Redesigned of active app
A UX strategy report based on Jesse James Garrett's product development process.
5 Elements of UX
Strategy, Scope, Structure, Skeleton, Surface
Image curtesy from article - Design Critique with Jesse James Garrett’s 5 Elements of UX: a case of Cambly Website by Carolyn Yu
This structured and holistic view of the user experience assisted in improving the design on an existing mobile application- OurGroceries. It allowed a comprehensive and thoughtful process method to address any foundational issues.
Design methods:
🔍 Competitive analysis
🖼️ Wireframing
🛠️ Prototyping
🧑🔬 User Research
🧪 Usability testing
Below, I made a wireframe of the current version and the improved version to help visualize the key differences.
Wireframe of the current mobile app
Updated wireframe of the mobile app after analysis
A glimpse inside the UX strategy report...
Interface Design: The layout of the interface was designed to provide a more user-friendly structure of the elements. There are visual hierarchies that complement each section to ensure clearly defined visual elements for user guidance and to provide clear distinctions between the categories.
Navigation Design: One of the biggest usability issues with the current app was the navigation between the pages of the app. A navigation bar was implemented for more intuitive navigation and to take away the reliance on using the default back icon.
Information Design: Without dramatically changing the content of the current app as it draws the users to the app, the redesign was focused more on how to organize and present the content. The use of white space between the list and adding a box improves readability. Additionally, the advertisement which causes users frustration, was given its own categories to help prevent intrusions. This allows the business to conduct what it needs, while also setting the limit in its disturbance.